Academic WorldQuest

IAF hosts northern Michigan's only Academic WorldQuest regional competition for high school students. Your support has a direct impact on these promising young leaders.

Academic WorldQuest is a program of the World Affairs Councils of America (WACA) and its affiliate member councils, including IAF. WACA’s flagship youth education program is a fun, fast-paced team competition for high school students. Academic WorldQuest tests players’ knowledge of current international politics, geography, global economics, history, and world cultures.

AWQ 2025 Winners

Academic Weapons

Traverse City West Senior High School

Tucker Ballenger, Dylan Gryglewski, Ryan Goodrich, Trey Stewart


The International Affairs Forum hosted its 12th annual Academic WorldQuest regional competition on February 27, 2025 at the Hagerty Center on Northwestern Michigan College's Great Lakes Campus. With the support of area high school educators from 8 local high schools, this was IAF's largest competition ever -- and the only AWQ national qualifying contest in the state of Michigan! Congratulations to our top three teams!

1st place | Traverse City West Senior High School

2nd place | Leland Public School

3rd place | Interlochen Arts Academy

Our thanks to fierce competitors and supportive faculty advisors from these schools: Elk Rapids High School, Grand Traverse Academy, Greenspire High School, Traverse City Central High School, Traverse City St. Francis High School

IAF sends the winning team to Washington, D.C. for the Carlos and Malú Alvarez Academic WorldQuest National Competition hosted by the World Affairs Councils of America. This trip is a life-changing experience in our nation's capital for four promising students. Academic WorldQuest and the students' trip is made possible by IAF members, individual donors, event sponsors, and dedicated volunteers. Thank you for your gifts of support, your time, and your energy. 

Want to show your support for students?  Interested in sponsoring this event?Click here.

You can make a direct impact on local Academic WorldQuest students. Thank you.

AWQ 2025

2nd Place

The Legislayers

Leland Public School

Natalie Burpee, Eliza Aldridge, Molly Rousseau, Ingrid Paciorka

AWQ 2025

3rd Place

The Thinking Blueberries

Interlochen Arts Academy

Alex Stillwell, Jimmy Teti, Leila Topi, Elijah Ai (alternate), Oliver Chen

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AWQ 2024 Winners

Quiz Pro Quo

Traverse City Central High School

Madeleine George, Ava Shotwell, Jackson Price, Nate Brewer.


The International Affairs Forum hosted its 11th annual Academic WorldQuest regional competition on February 22, 2024 at Northwestern Michigan College. 93 students from 7 high schools competed this year -- the largest AWQ event in northern Michigan to date! Participating schools included:  

Elk Rapids High School, Grand Traverse Academy, Interlochen Center for the Arts, Leland Public School, Traverse City Central High School, Traverse City St. Francis High School, Traverse City West High School

IAF sent the winning team -- Quiz Pro Quo of Traverse City Central High School -- to Washington, D.C. for the Carlos and Malú Alvarez Academic WorldQuest National Competition hosted by the World Affairs Councils of America. This trip is a life-changing experience in our nation's capital for these four promising students. Academic WorldQuest and the students' trip is made possible by IAF members, individual donors, and dedicated volunteers. Thank you for your gifts of support, your time, and your energy. 

Want to show your support?

Donate today & make a direct impact on local Academic WorldQuest students.

Thank you.

AWQ 2024

2nd Place

The Fab Four

Traverse City Central High School

Helly Taylor, Arthur Lijewski-Lee, Henry Sullivan, Dawson Payne

AWQ 2024

3rd place

The Legislayers

Leland Public School

Natalie Burpee, Molly Rousseau, Fiona Moord, Amabel Schwaiger



AWQ 2023 Winners

Quiz Pro Quo

Traverse City Central High School

Amara Van Wagoner, Jackson Price, Cole Harding, Trey Harding. with John Failor, faculty advisor

2023 RECAP

The International Affairs Forum hosted its 10th annual Academic WorldQuest regional competition on March 9, 2023 at the Mark & Helen Osterlin Building at Northwestern Michigan College. 15 teams from the following northern Michigan secondary schools competed and proved their knowledge of global affairs: Elk Rapids High School, Grand Traverse Academy, Interlochen Arts Academy, Traverse City Central High School, Traverse City St. Francis High School, Traverse City West High School.

Thanks to community support, IAF sent the winning team to Washington, D.C. on April 28-29, 2023 for the Carlos and Malú Alvarez Academic WorldQuest National Competition hosted by the World Affairs Councils of America. Amara, Jackson, Cole, and Trey proudly represented Traverse City Central High School, northern Michigan, IAF, and Northwestern Michigan College in national competition at the United States Institute of Peace.

While in D.C., the team visited the United States Capitol building with a tour from U.S. Representative Jack Bergman's staff. They explored our nation's history at the National Museum of African American History and Culture. They visited the campuses of George Washington University and Georgetown University.

This trip is a life-changing experience in our nation's capital for these four promising students. Your support made their trip possible. Now you can make AWQ 2024 possible. Show your support today.

Academic WorldQuest is made possible by IAF members, individual donors, and dedicated volunteers. Thank you for your generosity and energy. You help make this experience possible for our area high school students.

Congratulations to this year's top three teams!


AWQ Regional Winners 2023

1st place: Quiz Pro Quo - Traverse City Central High School

2nd place: The Elks - Elk Rapids High School

3rd place: The Genghis Gang - Traverse City West High School

Sincere thanks to our generous sponsors and door prize donors:

Jimmy John's

Traverse City Record-Eagle

Bay Bread Company

Besy Buy

Common Good Bakery

Elev8 Climbing and Fitness

Grand Traverse Pie Company

NMC Hawk Owl Cafe


Lucky Jack's

Mundo's Roasting & Co.

Murdick's Fudge


Oryana Community Co-op

Petoskey Pretzel Co.

Potter's Bakery

Shanty Creek Resort

2022 RECAP

IAF hosted its 9th annual AWQ regional competition on February 24, 2022 at the Northwestern Michigan College Hagerty Center, located at 715 E Front St, Traverse City. The event was open to the public with family, friends, and faculty advisors showing support. 

12 teams competed representing Traverse City Central Senior High School, TC West Senior High School, TC Christian School, Interlochen Arts Academy, TC St. Francis High School, and Elk Rapids High School. 1st place finishers A+E=MC² of Elk Rapids High School continued to the Carlos and Malú Alvarez 2022 Academic WorldQuest National Competition on April 30, 2022 in Washington, D.C. 

Academic WorldQuest is made possible by IAF members and individual donors. Thank you for your generous donations and volunteer time. You help make this experience possible for our area high school students. 


AWQ Regional competition winners 2022

1st place: A+E=MC² - Elk Rapids High School

2nd place: The Forty Fives - Elk Rapids High School

3rd place: The Starving Irish - Elk Rapids High School

A+E=MC² in DC

Emma Macaluso, Caroline Ducharme, Mallory Potter, Amelia Beatty represented Elk Rapids High School and IAF at the AWQ National Competition, held at the U.S. Institute of Peace in Washington, D.C., April 2022.

AWQ 2022 Winners


Elk Rapids High School

Mallory Potter, Amelia Beatty, Emma Macaluso, Caroline Ducharme

2021 RECAP

What a difference a year makes! IAF hosted its 8th annual Academic WorldQuest for high school students Thursday, Feb. 11, 2021. Eleven teams from five area schools competed, along with a team from the City of Holland. The regional competition, though virtual, was exciting right down to the three-question tiebreaker where A+E=MC2 (Elk Rapids HS) emerged victorious over Junior Mints (TC Central).

Regional competition winners 2021

1st place: A+E=MC Squared - Elk Rapids High School

2nd place: Junior Mints - Traverse City Central High School

3rd place: The Hungry Irish - Elk Rapids High School

National competition results 2021

13th place: A+E=MC² - Elk Rapids High School

23rd place: Junior Mints - Traverse City Central High School

AWQ 2021 Winners


Elk Rapids High School, John Gregorski, advisor Mallory Potter, Amelia Beatty, Caroline Ducharme, Emma Macaluso

2020 RECAP

The Temple Runners from Traverse City West Senior High School were set to travel to the National Competition in Washington, D.C. on April 25 when the COVID-19 outbreak hit. We are still so proud of their academic achievement and their competitive spirt in the 2019-2020 season. Congratulations TC West Temple Runners and all the teams who competed in 2019-2020.

AWQ 2020 Winners

TC West Temple Runners

Alex Eveleigh, Ryan Hozak, Brennan Burns and Michael Riccobono, advisor Dan Rosenburg

The logo for the world affairs councils of america academic worldquest.
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